Innovation is the Key to Success

The Life Sciences Fields are some of the most rapidly changing scientific areas today and they are making great leaps in understanding and improving all life, human and otherwise.  

 Your insurance coverage needs to be as versatile as your approach to advances in order to cover your business against any potential liabilities.  

Whatever your focus - animal or plant models, genetics, chemistry and pharmaceuticals, biochemistry or otherwise your field comes with it’s own unique challenges in terms of both advancement and protection.  AJS Insurances understands that these problems need to be uniquely and creatively analyzed, and we will help you solve these areas and come up with a plan that will best suit your business.

We work with small startups as well as large firms in providing coverage tailored to your business’ size, scale and product to protect you against problems such as interrupted production, product recall, hazardous materials exposure and through clinical trials.  

Risk analysis is crucial to protecting your Life Sciences Firm.  AJS Insurance Services will work scrutinizingly with your company to identify your vulnerabilities and provide you with the most comprehensive and appropriate coverage for your current needs and throughout your growth.  
