Culver City Helping With Clean Up of La Ballona Creek

September 29, 2016

community updates

The Culver City Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors voted to support Measure CW on the November 8 General Election Ballot. The Chamber Board realizes that it is the responsibility of all businesses and residences to insure that storm water is as clean as possible when entering our waterways, which includes the Ballona Creek, and our ocean.

This federally mandated program affects 125 square miles of western Los Angeles County, of which Culver City represents 4.99 square miles, 4%, of the total area. Culver City has the responsibility to pay for 4% of the costs which will begin in three years. The Chamber noted that Culver City’s General Fund would be severely impacted if the approximately $4,000,000 in annual costs were to come from the current annual budget. “The City’s budget is already stretched in providing the services our community enjoys,” says current Chair of the Chamber, Colette Moore. “The Chamber agrees with the City and the Council that the tax is necessary in order to not lose our quality of life in Culver City.”
 Measure CW is meant to finance and operate the city’s investment in current and future storm water programs.  “This is a funding mechanism for storm water run-off mitigation – it’s important that people not confuse the subject by including oil and chemical spills into the subject matter,  which is incorrect.  Oil and Chemical spills are subject to a totally different fining and taxes than the federally mandated storm water issues earmarked by Measure CW funds.”
The Governmental Affairs Committee, in reviewing the Measure, took into account that the tax on a cost per square foot of land basis is approximately the same for business and residential properties.
The Culver City Chamber urges all Culver City Voters to support CW on the November 8 General Election Ballot.
