Any insurance sales agent would agree that if a company has employees, it needs workers’ comp insurance. But certain industries with a higher risk for on-the-job accidents need your help even more. The construction industry has some of the riskiest jobs in America. Here, we’re counting down the top five most dangerous jobs in construction, and how a partnership with the right insurance agent can benefit those employers.
Dangerous Job #5: Working with Power Tools. Sure, this includes most construction jobs. But sometimes the most dangerous risks are the ones that are so simple, employees are likely to overlook them. For instance, did you know that OSHA gets reports of 37,000 emergency room visits a year, just from nail guns? For proof that a nail gun incident can be life threatening, consider this story about a carpenter who, on his second day of work, barely missed a major artery when he accidentally shot two nails into his kneecap.
Getting back to the basics is an important part of any safety regiment, *note source Cathy Taylor Insured solutions* Read more