We have Workers Compensation PEO Markets for Large Clients and Small Clients and Start Ups as well!

April 5, 2016



We have PEO Markets for Large Clients with Large Mods!

We have PEO Markets for Small Clients and Start Ups as well!  Such as General Contractors!

Also, if you have Workers Comp Risks in California with over $200K in premium with High MODs 1.5% and Higher in many cases we can help with a PEO arrangement too!

We have been especially busy with:

Some sample High risk codes:

Construction*Staffing*Day Care*Assisted Living*Roofing*Manufacturing*Painting*Building Maintenance* Landscaping*Farming Operations*Electricians*Janitorial*Restaurants*HVAC

•    No deposits
•    No annual audit
•    Pay as you go
•    First dollar coverage & deductible programs available
•    Safety Programs

All we need to get you a PEO quote is for you to give us a call!

Let us show you how you can tap into the PEO revenue stream!

Have a Trillion Dollar Day!
